portrait of a protest
© kjm
I shot a series of portraits yesterday in Madison, of protesters outside the state capital. My editorial rep, Redux Pictures is trying to find a good home for them, but here's a few of my favorites.
© kjm
I shot a series of portraits yesterday in Madison, of protesters outside the state capital. My editorial rep, Redux Pictures is trying to find a good home for them, but here's a few of my favorites.
Posted by
Kevin J. Miyazaki
backlit cobwebs under the Ikea lamp © kjm
[within reach is a series of photographs examining the environment of home in detail]
Posted by
Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: bad housekeeping, within reach
Black Locust Tree, Mount Williamson © kjm; Apple Blossums, Mount Williamson © Toya Miyatake
I really enjoyed my visit to Manzanar. They have a terrific visitors center there, operated by the National Park Service and staffed by a knowledgeable and engaging group of rangers. Manzanar is the most-visited of the former camp sites, both for the well-developed visitor experience, as well as it's proximity to cities in California. A driving tour of the site outlines the scale of the camp, but it was still hard to imagine 10,000 people living in this now very quiet, windblown landscape.
I didn't make many pictures on the site, but shot this tree and Mount Williamson at dusk. The next day, on a visit to the Eastern California Museum in the nearby town of Independence, I found the book Elusive Truth, Four Photographers at Manzanar. On page 104 was this photograph, Apple Blossums, Mount Williamson, by the great Japanese American photographer Toyo Miyatake.
Posted by
Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: travel tales