

© kjm

I've been thinking a great deal about my website lately. Without buying too much into corporate-speak, I've started to view the site as my storefront. That's not to say I don't have some actual bricks and mortar that I pay a mortgage on, but the website is my one-stop shop for anyone looking to work with me. Luckily, the lights are always on, hopefully it's easy and fun to browse, and feels a bit like me. This blog is more like a peek in the back storage room, or maybe my thoughts on the daily commute to the day job.

Anyway, I've got new space.


Martypants said...

The new site rules.
Big fan.

hartong said...

And You!
We must hook up sometime in the next decade! We're due!
Let us know when the rootlets are in one place for a short time and we'll see what we can do.


M & G - the H's

Kevin J. Miyazaki said...

Thanks Malinda and Glenn. It's been a while since I've been in Cincinnati - hopefully again soon.
Hope all's well with you both!