© kjm
Today, the blog is one year old.
To celebrate, a few numbers:
12, 571 Total number of visits to the blog
4,970 Individual visitors
1:58 Average time per visit
81 Number of countries that readers have visited from
8,370 Distance to my farthest-flung reader (hello, Lower Hutt, New Zealand!).
Happy Anniversary!
I can't speak for you, but I'm better for your having undertaken this project. Happy Birthday! A blog year is probably something like 20 years in normal human life.
Hello Kevin! I have just discovered your blog. Great photography, congratulations.
Farthest? There are many ways to measure distance, not just miles. How about: most artistically challenged visitor?
Happy 1 year birthday, great blog!
Found you through Flak; wonderful images you have. I just recently celebrated one year in the blogospere. Congrats!
Thanks, everyone!
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