fast traveling
Telegraph Road Location, #1 © kjm
I've been on the road almost constantly for the past few weeks - and have, as usual, found good fast food material along the way.
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Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: fast food
as seen: recovery
Tree blossoms near Dad's childhood home in Tacoma © kjm
When I was in Seattle about a year ago, I made a trip to see my dad's childhood home in Tacoma. I was sorry to find it boarded up, with a notice from the city on the door and signs of a recent fire in the attack. As a consolation, there was an old rose bush in the front yard, that I imagine could have been living 60 years ago, and a surprisingly dramatic view of Mt. Rainer. While in Seattle last week, I made an early morning trip again, buoyed by the fact that a Google map view had showed the house with a fresh coat of paint and signs of t.l.c.
Posted by
Kevin J. Miyazaki
within reach: initial
red m on the bathroom window © kjm
A word about Within Reach and light.
Two of the earliest pictures in the series were shot with the help of a strobe/modeling light, but at some point I decided that the light should be natural within the space. Sometimes that means placing objects in better light within my house - in front of one of the frosted glass windows or under the big, soft kitchen light at night.
But ideally the object/light is shot as is. This red M, which was part of the small group of items I saved from the previous owners of the building, sits on the bathroom window. It's a bit hard to explain, but it's an interior window, so the light hitting it is from coming through the larger front window, which I often photograph. I've shot the M several times before, but the light was never so dramatic.
[within reach is a series of photographs examining the environment of home in detail]
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Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: within reach
Camp Home pictures (center) at PCNW © kjm
I made a quick trip to Seattle this past weekend (thanks to some airline airfare credit) for the opening of Photo-Op, the group show at Photographic Center Northwest, curated by Jen Bekman.
I packed in a lot - leading off with dinner at the home of an editor friend Marika, her husband Ben and their charming son Oliver. Also invited were their friends Josh and his wife, the photographer Annie Musselman. The next day began with breakfast at the home of fellow Reduxer John Keatley, then a visit with Crista Dix and a peek into her flat files at wall space. Before Jen B.'s lecture, I broke bread and hung out with dear friends Steve and Jen. At the opening, I caught up with Mary and Dave, still more friends from my Cincinnati days. With never enough time to talk, I briefly had the pleasure of meeting Pete Brook and photographers Mary Ellen Bartley and James Luckett. I realized who Katie Baum was too late in the evening, and never had a chance to say hi. The next day, before heading out of town, I drove down to Tacoma (more on that later), grabbed a tasty local cup o' joe, and got a tour of PCNW by gallery director Ann Pallesen.
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Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: camp home, exhibitions, travel tales
piece of the pie
© Kerry Mansfield
Fraction Magazine has launched their latest issue, and I'm very happy to have work from Within Reach included. The Issue 8 Fractionistas are Claire Beckett, John Paul Caponigro, Katrina D'Autremont, Kerry Mansfield, Susana Raab and Ken Rosenthal.
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Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: exhibitions, within reach
freshly popped cork on NY Times Magazine © kjm
Celebration is in order, as Marilu has just accepted a new job at Laumeier Sculpture Park in St. Louis. It's a wonderful position, and we're excited about the new city and what appears to be a great local art community. Not to mention, we'll be 1497 miles closer...
Posted by
Kevin J. Miyazaki
outside in
I-75 Location, #1 © kjm
...and this was a nice find on Saturday. A photographer asked recently about the interior shots in the series - I've never been inside any of the restaurants I've shot, but rather have a quick, little routine for shooting with my camera pressed flush against the thick, darkly tinted glass.
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Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: fast food
fast, break
Calumet Avenue Location, #1 and #2 © kjm
I'm in the middle of a really busy week of shooting in the lovely state of Michigan - hence the lack of posting. But I did find this Taco Bell on the way out of Wisconsin on Tuesday...
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Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: fast food
within reach: cutaway
mold cut from bread slice © kjm
[within reach is a series of photographs examining the environment of home in detail]
Posted by
Kevin J. Miyazaki
Labels: within reach